Lamentations 2
When God was rescuing His people out of the bondage of slavery in
Their honor and their might have been taken away. He was once a pillar of fire by night to help them. Now he burns like a flaming fire against them, consuming everything all around. It is a frightening thing to have God in the posture of an adversary against you. The land is full of mourning and lamentation. They are not utterly consumed forever, but they are clearly facing great trouble from the one who once was their Protector.
Once He met with them in their festivals and on their days of Sabbath rest. Once kings cried out to Him and He heard them, and priests represented the people before Him as they offered sacrifices and blessed the people in the name of the Lord. Now His altar and sanctuary have been destroyed. The sound of enemies fills the places where festival throngs went to the Lord’s house. The city walls are demolished, and her gates are ruined. Adversaries can go in and come out at their own will. There is no way to do what the law commands, and prophets have no word for her people. People are dying everywhere, and those who still live are left to weep.
We want to fix every problem, but the Lord can bring a problem that no man can fix. When our ruin is as vast as the sea, we cannot expect to repair our problems one cup of water at a time. The people were all too willing to listen to the words of false prophets who spoke pleasing words. Where are those men now? All we see are enemies who laugh at the Lord’s people. When the Queen of Sheba came to
This was what the Lord had announced long ago. In the days when God brought His people through the wilderness by the cloud and the fire, in the days when the Lord spoke through Moses, God announced that he would bring a curse upon them if they turned away from Him. He warned them for centuries through faithful prophets, but they would not listen. Finally He spoke through Jeremiah in days of the last kings of
This devastation is what the wickedness of men deserves. What must the cross have been like? How can we understand hell, when we will never experience it? We look at the destruction of the city of the Lord, and consider the punishment of our sinless Messiah. Surely what happened to Him was worse even then the horrible fire of judgment coming upon
Christ knew no sin. He did not deserve the curse that Moses had announced. From the moment of His conception through to His final words saying, “It is finished,” the Lord never violated the Law of His Father. We were told to love God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. We were also instructed to love our neighbors as ourselves. These were just and holy commandments, and our Lord never violated them in the slightest. He was bruised for our iniquities.
How big was the bruise? What were the stripes like that He took which brought healing to us. We can look at
All illustrations given to us surely fall short of what Christ has taken for us. We will never know the full extent of suffering. That is a good thing. We know all that we need to know from the intrusion of judgment days into the lives of the people of the Scriptures and in the events of history. One of the most profound of these events was that described to us in Lamentations. May God grant to us an appropriate appreciation for the suffering of His Son, and may we be rightly moved by the fact of God’s love for us, for He sent His Son to die for us.
posted by Pastor Magee @ 7:00 AM