Lord God Almighty, the heavens and earth are witnesses of Your glory and Your greatness. Your justice is perfect, but we have sinned against You. There is a better way for us, the way of heartfelt shame in the face of such abounding blessing. There is a way that is wonderful in gratitude. We consider Your power, and the greatness of Your gifts to our fathers. How could it be that we would forsake You and provoke You to anger? Thank You for Your Son’s faithfulness and for the wonder of Your plan of grace, even for the Gentiles. Our Father, we pray that You would use this extravagant gift to us to make many jealous who were marked with the sign of Your covenant in earlier days. Call many back to Your mercy and goodness. Vindicate Your people. Even more, vindicate the glory of Your Name and the power of Your plan for salvation. There is no other God but You. Who can survive if You come in judgment? Surely there is more cause for rejoicing still, for there are yet those who are being drawn near to You through Jesus Christ. May Your church hear Your Word, not as some empty sounds with no meaning, but as the very Word of life and our only hope. Father God, even Your servant Moses sinned against You, but with You there is amazing forgiveness.