Hosea 2
Restoration is a most beautiful gift. Those who have been called “not my people” long to hear the words from the Lord, “You are my people.” Those who think that they may have been cut off from all divine mercy long to hear, “You have received mercy.” We speak these good words to one another as brothers and sisters in the family of God, and look for the day when restoration is so obvious that it will be seen in the renewal of even the land all around us. For now, we must hear God’s word of mercy and believe, and take our places together as those who worship the Lord with renewed hearts, knowing the Lord to be merciful and forgiving.
If we want the forgiveness that comes from the God of the Scriptures, we must also hear what He has said concerning the sin of His people.
The story of the unfaithfulness of
Will the Lord’s purposes then utterly fail because of the disgrace of His people? No, amazingly He speaks here of a future time of great blessing, and of a process of wooing back His bride. He will allure her back to the place of their courtship. He will speak tenderly to her. He will give her great gifts and somehow overturn a place of destruction, making it into a new door of hope. There is a confidence expressed here that
This future day of covenant blessing is ultimately beyond the normal range of experience that we have in this current age. It will involve a change, not only in the heart of the Lord’s bride, but even in the entire natural world all around us. This will be something new for the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, even the insects that crawl along the ground. The life of grasping for the property of others, and the warfare that springs from that covetous root will be utterly gone, so that weapons will be abolished from the land, for they will no longer be necessary. There will be no more falling away from the love of the Lord, for His people will have an eternal betrothal to Him. There will be no more sin, oppression, hatred, and betrayal. God will bring us a new day of righteousness and love that will never end.
The Lord will speak to the new heavens and the heavens will speak to the new earth, and there will be goodness and plenty for all His people. The days of “no mercy” and “not my people” will be over forever. There will be restoration and the most complete renewal in the new creation.
We might reasonably ask this question: “At what cost paradise?” Who will pay the bill for all of this? How can
This is what God has done for us in the provision of His Son. This is what the cross has accomplished. There is no magic in a piece of wood. It is the Man who suffered on the tree that paid the price. No other man could have done what He did for us. He took His wife’s unfaithfulness upon Himself on that great and horrifying day. He showed us what it means to be a Husband. He died for us, yet He did this with the power of an indestructible life. Not only the perfect Man, but also perfect God, He both died and rose again. In Him we have a world of blessing. In Him we have an eternity of newness. The price was massive, but it has been paid.
posted by Pastor Magee @ 6:00 AM
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