Revelation 22
We have come to the final chapter of the Bible. We are reading these words as people that need to persevere through the three and a half, the thousand years of the present phase of the kingdom of God. That means that we still feel pain and loss. We struggle with anxiety and we are continually repenting about our sin. We have opportunities for faithfulness, but evil people may be prospering around us.
There may come a moment when our property, our freedom, our well-being, or even our lives will be in danger simply because we gather together with others who call upon the Name of the Lord. To keep our bodies and souls fed may be a struggle. We may even find that our love for Christ and our hope for heaven grow cold.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the current divide, the number of people rejoicing in heaven continues to grow. New people are being brought by Jesus to their eternal rest every day. They are aware of our struggles, but they rejoice in the Lord with the perfect assurance of His divine promises, They no longer battle against sin or oppression. They look with complete confidence for the vindication of Christ and His faithful.
They do long with a holy eagerness for the Grand Finale. But they have a perfect thirst for God's glory. They are filled with perfect love for God and even for us as we seek to be faithful to the end.
This is the way life is now, but it is not the way that it will always be. There will be a renewed heaven and earth, and that new heaven and earth shall be one. We will have access to a river that flows from the Father and the Son. We will walk the streets of the new holy city, and we will eat the fruit of the tree of life.
Look at what the blood of the cross has purchased for you! Consider the cost that the Savior paid and live!
Now we see signs of the curse of God in a world that He subjected to futility because of the sin of Adam. Now we feel the distance between our present life and the throne of God, even though Jesus has promised us, “Never will I leave you.” Now, many may find the worship of God and even the message of the gospel tiresome. How could that be? The yawn of the church is noticeable and her glazed eyes can be seen wherever the city of man is deeply entrenched in those hearts that believe that they have already heard enough about Christ, the cross, and the resurrection. Now many people even in the church are more interested in tax policy, celebrity weddings, and beautiful pictures of little children than in the pleasure of the living God. The church seems to be almost swallowed up in distraction and deception. The city of man appears to be thriving. As far as God, Christ, and eternity are concerned, many consider themselves all set.
But when the trumpet sounds, and the new Jerusalem descends, and the eternal light shines, you will be grateful to be found at your post in the service of the King of kings and Lord of lords. And you will see the face of the One who was faithful to the end for you. You will reign with Him forever and ever.
This is the Word that has come from on high to you from God. This is the Word that God spoke in the garden when sin first entered the world and paradise was lost. This is the message of Moses and the prophets. This is the kingdom that Jesus came preaching and teaching. This is the eternal purpose of God that Paul wrote about in Ephesians 1: “to unite all things in Him (Christ), things in heaven, and things on earth.” This Word is, and always has been, trustworthy and true.
The return of Christ has been imminent since His departure on clouds of glory, Regardless of the date when He returns, you are one day closer to that day today then you were yesterday. Furthermore, today may be the day that you particularly are called home. Today you may be in God's hands in a different way, and your body will rest in the grave, and those who love you will mourn.
Keep the words of this book. They are surprisingly simple and clear. In this world of suffering and temptation, be faithful to Jesus, and worship and serve God.
Some will just continue in evil. Why should you be in that number? Are you righteous and holy in Jesus? Then do what is right and be holy. He says to the seven churches toward the end of the first century, that He is coming soon. He is still coming soon.
Jesus, the Morning Star has spoken. The Holy Spirit and the church in heaven, together with the faithful upon the earth, have a word for you: “Come.” Do you have any thirst for Jesus, for His Word, for the new heavens and the new earth? “Come.” The worldwide city of man will be destroyed. Your own death is swiftly approaching. “Come.”
Meanwhile, go where the words of this book go, and follow where the full counsel of the Word of God takes you. Don't take anything away from the Lord's Word. Don't add anything to it. Fear God, and then let the perfect love of Christ cast out all fear. Keep God's commandments, and then consider how Christ is your perfect righteousness forever. And may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Amen.