
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Psalm 146

Each day has enough trouble of its own. This is what Jesus teaches His disciples as a compelling reason to stop worrying about tomorrow. Each day is also filled with opportunity. The Lord of all glory is in charge, and we are His children. Praise the Lord! Even the trials that we face will have to turn around, for the Lord of this particular day is also the Lord of our perfect destiny.

The Lord God is the key to this kind of positive living. He does not call us to deny the evil around us and within us. He does instruct us to avoid dwelling upon yesterday's failures and tomorrow's potential mishaps. Most of all, He directs us to Himself, and we find in Him a great reason to sing.

And what is the alternative to this God-focused way of life? Don't put your trust in man. Can man save you? Man is a creature of God. His days on earth are numbered by His Creator. But the Lord is the eternal God who made the heavens and the earth.

Even the person on the earth who loves you the most does not have the power to keep you alive forever. That person may be very trustworthy, but only God can keep faith with you for all eternity.

Look at the greatness of God in the face of Jesus, who came to give us eternal life. We were bowed down under a weight of sin and He lifted our heavy load at the cost of His own life. He fed thousands with just a few loaves and fish, but much more than that, He is the Bread from heaven forever. He opened the eyes of a man born blind. Now millions sing to Him, “I was blind, but now I see.”

Who is like the Lord our God? We were brought so low by tragedy. But now a better morning has dawned, and there are other people to help and to bless with a blessing that comes from Him.

The truth is that the Lord of everything loves us! What fantastic news! And it is not wild speculation. His cross proves the point. We have found the gold of heaven, the Pearl of great price. We should sell everything else in order to buy the field that contains that One Pearl. Yet He has been given to us as a gift.

The wicked He will will bring to ruin, but our righteousness is secure, since it is in Christ alone. It is His gift to His children. Thank you, Lord!


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