
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Judges 5

Deborah, a prophetess of God, a bearer of God's Word to His people, and Barak, a soldier of the Lord, a commander among men, sang together about the great victory that the Lord gave to Israel. May all the people of God be filed with the Spirit and gather together to sing of the victory that is ours through the great work of Jesus, our Prophet, Priest, and King!
If we sing the song that He wants us to sing, it will not be about Jesus alone. He insists that while He alone is the Head, you and I are the Body of Christ. He intends not only that He would be glorified, but that His people would be with Him in glory forever. Even now, we are told that Christ is in us, the hope of glory, and that we have been made partakers of the divine nature. In the song that Deborah and Barak sang in Judges 5, the leaders of Israel and the people that fought valiantly were a part of the Lord's victory song.
The song that they sang was honest, describing the condition of the nation prior to Deborah, a mother in Israel, who rose up as the Lord's appointed judge. How did victory come? God's Voice went forth and woke up two of His leaders, Deborah and Barak. Then came the remnant of the noble who would hear and obey the Voice that rang forth from His chosen vessels. Hearing that Voice, the people of the Lord responded for battle.
This still is God's way. He works through His chosen people as His servants hear the Voice of the One who calls us to a different battle; not the conquest of the sword, but the way of the cross and the life of love. When the Spirit of God moves the church, the change that takes place can be swift and shockingly wonderful. Old strongholds are thrown off, and the King of glory is victorious over evil. This is a song that is worth singing. “All hail the power of Jesus' Name!” What a great moment! “And CROWN Him Lord of all.”
Unfortunately, not everyone responds to the Voice of God. The tribes to the east of the Jordan and Asher and Dan to the west missed that great day of victory. Some churches will not hear the Voice of the Lord today. They are filled with their own idea constructs or with the Spirit of the Age that seems so normal to them. But Jesus said, “My sheep hear My Voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”
Not only did many within the tribes fight against Sisera. From heaven the stars and the angelic host fought. The river became a torrent, and the chariots of the enemy were worse than useless; big pieces of steel, stuck in the mud. When Sisera himself had to flee on foot, God moved a woman to be the agent of his destruction.
The women of the enemy, the mother of Sisera and her princesses, wondered why their champion was so late in coming home. They imagined that they were delayed by the spoils of war. “A womb or two for every man...”
But not this time. This time a mother in Israel rose up by the Spirit of the Lord and spoke the Word, and another woman, the wife of Heber the Kenite, destroyed the one whom His own relatives expected to be otherwise engaged in taking women that were God's own beloved daughters.
The Lord Jesus loves His bride. He will protect her forever in glory. He will help her when she cries out to Him even today. He went to battle for her, and died for her sins. Now He lives forever as Her resurrection Husband. “Go spread your trophies at His feet, and CROWN Him Lord of all!”


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