“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” How low
can a godly man go? He shouts to the Lord in turmoil, but there is no
He is clinging by faith to the God he knows, despite the
fact that the comfort of communion with the Almighty is suddenly so
far away from him. He meditates upon God. He considers the heritage
of the Lord's mercy toward His people. He knows that when the
faithful have turned to Him throughout the generations, time and
again God has rescued them in their need.
He thinks then of his current condition. He has become
the object of mockery and hatred for people who do not believe that
God will help him. There is no word of comfort near him, only scorn
and ridicule. The unmistakable taunt of a murderous mob is this: “God
does not love you, and He will not rescue you.”
Yet this vicious crowd can never take away his past.
This godly servant knows that the Lord has been with him as his God
from the earliest moments of his life. He renews his plea: “Be not
far from me, for trouble is near, and there is none to help.”
This trouble is from angry people who are filled with
hate. They are wild beasts ready to kill. Have they lost all sense
that they are actually men created in God's image? Have they
forgotten basic respect for all who share in the dignity of humanity?
They look upon this godly man in the most desperate
condition who is publicly exposed before their eyes. With only
moments left to live, his bones are dislocated, his heart is near
collapse, and his lungs are struggling for breath. As he dies with
the most extreme thirst and deprivation before the eyes of those who
despise him, he is aware of this truth: It is God who has laid me in
the dust of death.
The man in this psalm is not dying from natural causes.
He has been crucified. “They have pierced my hands and feet,” he
says. The mob stares at him. They have divided his clothes, and now
they gloat over his naked frame.
His plea to God is renewed once again. “Do not be far
off! O you my help, come quickly to my aid! Deliver my soul from the
sword, my precious life from the power of the dog! Save me from the
mouth of the lion!”
Suddenly there is a complete and dramatic change: “You
have rescued me.” God has heard and has answered the plea of His
suffering servant. His prayer has come before the throne of God, and
the Lord has given him sudden and vigorous life. He will pay to the
Lord the offering that he promised on the day when he called out in
distress to the Almighty.
What payment will he make? This one man has a connection
to many others whom he calls his worshiping “brothers” who are
part of the Lord's congregation. He will gather all the true
offspring of Jacob with the message of the Lord's covenant
faithfulness to him. Together a great congregation will worship God
because of this one dying man who now lives.
How great will this congregation be? They will be an
eternal church. Their hearts will live forever! They will extend far
beyond the Jews. All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to
the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before
the God of Israel as their eternal King. Their number will include
those who have already died and millions who have not yet been born.
These future generations will hear a message that will draw them into
this eternal community of worship.
Jesus is the righteous suffering Servant who has become
the King of the resurrection kingdom. The facts of this psalm are
unmistakably about the events surrounding His humiliation and
exaltation. He put His mark on this psalm with His own dying plea:
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Jesus gave this
testimony before Jews and Gentiles on the day when He died for our
In His anguished cry of the opening words of this moving
and perplexing composition, Jesus is giving a most important message
to all who will hear. He speaks out of the anguish of His righteous
soul and gives meaning to His suffering based on all the words of
this psalm.
The Messiah gave His life for all who would call upon
His Name. He faced death, but in His willing sacrifice He has
conquered sin and death for us. Men pierced His hands and feet, but
now He is alive forever as our eternal King.
Merciful God, Your
Son was cut off for our transgressions. We trust in You. We will not
be put to shame. Your Son suffered greatly from the hatred of men.
They railed against Him without cause. They nailed Him to a cross. He
faced death for our salvation. Yet He trusted in You to the end. You
rescued Him. Now He has won for You the praise of the church. We cry
out to Him for powerful help. We are not only saved; we are also
satisfied. People from many nations shall serve You, even those who
are long gone from the earth. All generations shall proclaim Your
righteousness, even people not yet born. You have done everything for
our salvation, and we will praise You forever.