
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Song of Solomon 7

How beautiful is the one loved by the great man! Even her feet are beautiful. He calls her a noble daughter. Nobility should be more than a question of birth. It is a commitment of character that recognizes the responsibility of gifts that have been given. To be truly noble is to know that you have received great blessings, gifts that must be used in a matter worthy of the giver.
This great king has spoken before of her physical beauty, but earlier he began with the wonder of her eyes and her hair. Now he starts with her feet and then extols her rounded thighs. They are like perfect jewels to him. To speak of her navel, her belly, and her breasts is to bring attention to very intimate details. Yet there is not a word of embarrassment here. He returns again now to the details of her lovely face. He has traveled with his eyes from toe to head, and has found her to be entirely admirable. Is there no blemish in her at all? Though he is a king, he is held captive by the wonder of her beauty.
The eyes that have explored his love have sent the good report to his hands. He announces his intentions. He will climb the tree and lay hold of the fruit, like clusters on the vine. He will come near to her mouth and take in her breath, filled with the freshest scent of heavenly apples, and he will taste the wine of her mouth.
She responds to his intimate kiss and testifies again that they are for each other. She is his, her beloved's. His desire is for her.
He has announced what he will do. Now she happily invites him to come to her. There is a holy and pure boldness in her words. He is the good man, and she is his love.
She speaks to him of a place that is known to her. Their love together is not only her beauty and his greatness. The world around them is made fresh and alive by their eternal affections. The fields are theirs to explore. They can lodge in the villages of this renewed land.
Where did these vineyards come from? Do they belong to these lovers? They seem to have title to the world. They have inherited the earth. They will go out early to the vineyards and see the progress of growth in this paradise of love.
This is the right place for her to give herself to him fully, and she announces that to him. Everything is right in that land. The smells of fresh growth fill the air as mandrakes give forth their fragrance.
We might have expected him to speak now of the mansion that he has prepared. Undoubtedly he has the most wondrous home for her, built with tender care. Yet it is the bride who speaks of doors that are theirs. Is there a cottage in one of the villages beyond the fields she has spoken of?
She prepared for this moment. She has been laying up treasures for the day of their perfect union. These fruits will be waiting for them beside their doors when they arrive. There are new treasures as well as old. Over the course of her life of love for him, she has made herself ready for the fullness of time by storing away good fruits that have come forth from a heart of love for him.
These are choice and fragrant gifts. They are like jewels that do not become less wonderful with the passage of time. Yet they are alive with freshness, perfect for this land of glory.
From the moment that we know of our King's dying love for us and of our affection for Him, we should let our hearts be stirred in His worship. From that wellspring of a renewed feeling, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we should expect to see the fruits of heaven spring forth in our lives. As we live for the one that we love, we can begin to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where thieves cannot steal, and where there is no death.
One day we will see Him. We will hear Him speak His words of eternal love again that have nurtured our hearts throughout this time of preparation. We will speak to the one we have spoken to for many years, but now we will see His eyes as we speak, and we will know as we are known, and love as we are loved. We will come to the place where every action of true love has been kept safely for us, held carefully in reserve for this day to come. And we will be glad that we did not live for the food that perishes, but for the food that remains unto everlasting life.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Lord of Glory, the marriage of Christ and His church is approaching. The time of waiting will soon be over. We hear His voice saying wonderful things about us. He knows perfectly what we will be one day, and He truly loves us even now. We will not resist Him, for He seeks communion with us. We give ourselves to Him, for He is our glorious King. He is a Husband who has proven His love for us at the greatest cost.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Song of Solomon 6

We take up this song of perfect love again as we listen to the words of others who have heard the woman extol the delights of her man. She has said great things about him, but he does not appear to be with her.
Others are not always entirely welcome in a special relationship between a man and a woman. They can be very helpful and supportive. Sometimes they do that by staying away and letting the two lovers be by themselves. Sometimes their presence, their advice, and their questions can be a problem, even when they want to present themselves as those who are only trying to help.
This is especially the case when there is an appearance of some difficulty. A subtle question is not always as innocent and supportive as the one asking it may pretend. Remember this one? “Did God actually say, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden?'” To respond to a question rightly may require more insight than we possess into the heart of the person asking it.
Where has your beloved gone?” Where indeed? These others claim that they are asking this question in order to aid in the search. Maybe, but maybe not. Where is her beloved? Will she allow herself to believe some lie? Does she lack a sense of his presence because he has abandoned her? Has he changed his mind about her beauty or about his love? Has he found someone else? Is he confused about his intentions?
These suggestions are entirely false. She knows her man, and she speaks faithfully about him. If he appears to be gone, it must be for some good reason consistent with his love and dedication. He has gone down to his garden. He is gathering good things. Earlier he had said that she was his garden. Do the others understand this? Never mind... She will just reiterate these great words with confidence for anyone who wants to know: “I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine.”
Suddenly, whether in her dream or in the world of wonder where these lovers meet, he speaks! Has her statement of their union in love prompted his response of assurance? She is still beautiful to him. His word is her assurance. His love for her has not diminished in the least. Listen to what he says: “Turn away your eyes from me, for they overwhelm me.” He has not changed his thoughts about even one part of her body. Her faith in him is certainly justified. In his eyes there is simply no one else like her.
As far as others who would like to gaze at her, if other women want to acknowledge that she is praiseworthy and that she is greatly blessed, who can deny them that right? If they wish to sing of the greatness of her man who speaks to her from on high, they can do so. If they did not praise him then surely the rocks themselves would cry out about his glory. And of course, she herself is perfectly free to speak of the love that is already theirs, and to anticipate the glory of what is ahead of them in the full consummation of their holy passion for each other.
But if there are others who must be told to stand back, if there are men who would suppose that they could look on her as one who is less than holy, as their own love interest, like some girl who does an enticing dance before two armies, they will be turned away by his command. He will protect this relationship as it grows. Others may praise, but they will not be able to destroy.
She is his, and he is hers. He protects His garden from would-be friends who may have evil intentions. Their words will not be accepted at face value. He knows his own plans, and he is able to test those who claim to be celebrating this love but who may secretly seek to lead her into fear and unbelief.
Communion with the Lord in this present age is not without complexity. We who have been claimed as the bride of the great Man of heaven must not allow ourselves to listen to other voices than His. He speaks to us in His Word, even when His glorious body may seem uncomfortably distant in the midst of our own nightmares and the threats of deceivers.
There is so much that we do not know. We must not allow ourselves to be distracted and led into the murky waters of unclean spiritual exploration. We can trust the Word of Christ. His promises are certain. We should speak out the truth. “We belong to Jesus, and He belongs to us.” Don't be afraid to speak up. Let that declaration of faith in worship be followed by an ear that is eager to hear what your Beloved has to say to you as His Word is proclaimed. Listen for His unchanging love. The glorious wedding of Christ and the church is a certain reality. No enemy can snatch you out of the hand of your King.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Holy Father, Your Son has gone to be with You, yet He is with us even now somehow. We hear His voice of love in Your Word, and feel our communion with Him in the supper of love that He gave to us. We are greatly blessed. Your Son calls us back to Himself moment by moment. Why would we ever wander from Him? We anticipate the great day of our love even now. Our Husband is somehow with us, though our soul yet longs for Him as if He were gone. We will wait for our great Husband. No other lover will do. No crowd of admirers could every satisfy us.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Song of Solomon 5

The great man of this love song calls the glorious woman of his heart by many beautiful names. She is his love, his sister, his bride. These are not unexpected. But he also calls her his garden. This is unusual but wonderful. A garden is a special place to live and to enjoy. It is not the public square, but a place where no one can enter without invitation. He has been given happy permission to explore her.
In a lovely garden there is much to see, but our sight is not the only gift that God has given to us. All of the man's senses are able to enjoy his garden. He looks not at a two-dimensional representation of the one he loves. He comes to his garden. He breathes in the spices that fill the air. He eats and drinks all that is delightful. Everything there is pleasant and truly good.
Though the garden is private, there is some communal awareness affirming the beauty of all that takes place. The others address the man and the woman as friends. They tell them to eat and drink, yes even to be drunk with love.
Suddenly we are inside the dreaming mind of the woman. Where are we in her dreams? When is this happening? How can we sort out what she describes? In her dream she is full of desire for her man, her beloved. She is at the door of some place. Is it her mother's house again? Is it a memory of what life once was like, something that needs some resolution? She hears a knock on the door. Is it he? O, how she wants to be with him. She hears his voice, “Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my perfect one.” But can she see him? Can she feel his embrace? He too wants to be on the other side of the door, to be inside her room, out of the rain and the night.
The dream continues. Should she open the door? She has already taken off her garment, washed her feet, and is prepared for bed. Yet he puts his hand to the latch, and her heart is thrilled within her. She rises up to open the door. Her hands are dripping with liquid myrrh as she moves them to unlock the bolt that protects her from the outside. But now the great man is gone! She seeks him but cannot find him. She calls to him, but he gives no answer.
Now she is outside, and the dream becomes strange and dark. Why can't the watchmen, the leaders in Jerusalem and the women of the city tell her where the great man of her heart can be found? No, the ones who should be shepherds and ambassadors of the king beat her badly. They take off her veil of modesty. What will the true king, the lover of this beautiful woman, do when he returns? But then this is a dream, or is it a remembrance of the days when those who should have been directing people to the Lord were instead abusing those who sought Him? Someone find the man and tell him that the perfect woman of his desire is sick with longing for him!
Suddenly the women of Jerusalem need to be reminded about the great king, the lover of this glorious bride. Why is he so much better than all the rest? She now testifies to all those who will hear about the wonder of this shepherd, this king. He is shining and strong, and there is no one like him. His head is the finest gold, and his hair is black and full of life. He earlier had said that her eyes were like doves, but now His are the same. They are holiness and peace to her as hers are to him.
She will not hold back her praise. She is not ashamed to speak of him to all who will hear.
What would it smell like to lie down on a bed of fragrant spices? It is just as overwhelming even to kiss his cheeks. His lips are lilies dripping liquid myrrh. His arms are strong, mighty, and beautiful, gold ornamented with jewels. As he earlier saw behind her veil and even beneath her garment, she speaks boldly about his body of polished ivory. Everything is better than the best, most precious and beautiful. His mouth is most sweet. He said that she was desirable, and she readily testifies to the truth that he is altogether desirable.
She calls this great man her friend. We do not need to fear even death if that enemy is the road that leads us to a closer embrace of this best of all men.
Is the existence of our Husband just a dream of our lovesick souls? No, we have heard of the cross by which He proved His love. We have received His words, and we have the report of His life in the world that is beyond misery. His love for us is a proven fact, written in the testimony of his own blood. His disciples witnessed His glory and saw Him ascend into heaven. We shall be His garden. He desires us, and He will not be denied. Behold, He stands at the door and knocks.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Great God, we have heard of our Husband and our Redeemer. We dream of Him, yet we walk in a world of danger. We long to wake in Your presence on a glorious day. Where is Jesus now? We need to hear His voice. Why are Your ministers hurting Your church? Will they beat us because we are lovesick for Jesus Christ? Can they not celebrate the love of Christ with us? Please teach them to speak to us of His greatness. Show them the One that we must have, for we only want to know the glories of our Husband.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Song of Solomon 4

Are we still dreaming somewhere under the sun, or did the beloved woman return to the better world? Though the storyline of this song may be hard to follow at points, the focus is not the plot, but the appreciation of every glimpse that we are granted of the life of secure love that we desire to experience.
We return to the great king of the poem. His focus is singular. Her. He admires her physical charms with great specificity and complete confidence. The one word for her is “beautiful.” This admiration of what he sees is deeply personal and connected to him. He calls her “my love.”
Yes, she is beautiful, but he insists on the most careful admiration of the love of his life. Her eyes are doves. The eyes are the lamp of the body. If you want to see your love in such a way that she will see you when you see her, you must look into her eyes, and a connection of sight will be established. In some cultures this has been recognized as such a special and intimate act that the gazing into the eyes of another is not considered appropriate between men and women who are only acquaintances. Some have even had the practice of women wearing a veil in order to prevent the unwanted look of a stranger. Here the glorious man sees behind the veil. He looks into her eyes and he says, “Your eyes are doves.” That lovely white bird is a symbol of heavenly purity and divine peace. He finds peace and rest in her beautiful eyes.
Her hair,” he says, “is like a flock of goats.” These goats are in motion. They are leaping down the slopes of a mountain. Her hair has body and life. Is the wind moving it? Does it bounce along as they walk together? Perhaps he stands near her, speaking these words of love, looking into her eyes while he remembers a moment that he has treasured in his mind, a time when he watched her hair bounce as she moved. He had thought this about her beautiful hair, and now he reminds himself of that sight and shares the wonder of it with the one he loves.
His exaltation of her is detailed and sensual. He talks of things that are unusual to our ears. Does he have a full knowledge even of every individual tooth in her lovely mouth? Each one is in the right place, like pairs of beautiful white twins standing together in perfect order. Even the smallest part is worthy of praise. Everything about her calls him forward in love. Her lips are scarlet, set off strikingly from her bright teeth and surrounded by her perfectly matching cheeks behind the modesty of her veil. Moving down from her head he admires her long strong neck, shining with the glitter of ointment, like a thousand perfect miniature warrior shields glistening in the sun. He speaks tenderly of her breasts. He knows the intimate details, not only of her eyes and lips behind her veil, but even of her lovely shape beneath her garments. Her breasts are “two fawns, the twins of a gazelle, that graze among the lilies.” She is warm, moving, alive, and perfect.
He could happily spend all night long enjoying her fully. He would go away “to the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense.” All of his senses are engaged in the one flawless woman who is altogether beautiful to him. This is the passionate life to which he invites her. She must come with him from where she is in the mountains of the north. She is his love, his “sister,” and his bride. He will take her away from every danger. She has captivated his heart.
And are we, who have not been lovely, to be the bride of the Lord? It is shockingly good news that the church is called by this name of “bride.” We are told that in heaven we will be without spot or blemish, perfect in the beauty of holiness. What will the physical manifestation of that be like? What is the bodily tent that our Lord reserves for us in that kingdom above?
The Son of God, who has proven His love in the most costly way, assures us that He loves us and will never leave us. We are also told that we can know even now that we are a rich inheritance for Him! This assurance can be ours through the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. We have captivated the heart of the greatest of all men. Our love is beautiful to Him. The lips of His bride are sweet to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love.
Today the garden of our love may yet be locked to him, but we anticipate the fullness of joy forever in His presence. There is a glorious temple that will one day be revealed. Our eyes cannot yet see it, but we know the truth of its existence. His love for us in the power of the Spirit flows forth from the deep springs of divine love, and even from within the redeemed church it will be a spring of living water.
We call out to the Spirit together with the voice of our Savior. “Bring about the time of fullest joy!” Come Lord Jesus, and have what is yours, for you have saved a bride for a world of perfect delight. But how could Jesus look at us as perfect? He sees us already as we will be: perfect in holiness, sanctified by His Word of love. Can a bridegroom and a bride under the sun see each other this way by faith even now? What a great gift!

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Lord God, Your Son calls His glorious church beautiful. He admires our every detail. He seems to see beyond our current blemishes. He sees what we cannot yet see. He claims that there is no flaw within us. He calls us His bride, and insists that we have captivated Him. Father, how we long for the day of the fullness of this love. We long for the beauty and wonder of the age to come. Come, Lord Jesus! Love us with an everlasting love!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Song of Solomon 3

Where can the perfect man be found? Even if he could be found, how can He be enjoyed in a world that is not secure?
We may not be aware of it, and we may not want to admit it, but in our heart of hearts we are dreaming about heaven and we are hoping for a perfect love that will never go away. We are looking for a new time that is the grand finale of history. We are looking for a new place, where the stain of loss is unknown. But heaven is not just a new age to come, and a new place of life. It is a Person, a Man who is the King, in whom we find ourselves to be all that we were created to be.
Back in the days of life under the sun, when it was night, the lily, the rose, the great love of the Song of Solomon had a dream. Her soul was longing for her lover. She looked not for a future age or for a better place. She looked for him, for the man who was the one. She searched for him, but she seemed unable to find him.
In her dream she went out among the people of the kingdom, in that great city that should be holy, that Jerusalem below. She went to those who were leaders in the city, the watchmen. Of all the people living on the earth, these appointed leaders of the Lord's nation should have been the experts at pointing to the great Man of heaven. She was bold in her request for this man of her dreams, but the watchmen of Israel were of little help to her.
Then she suddenly found him. She held him close like a woman who has recovered her love back from the dead and is now afraid that he could be gone again in just a moment. The world of dreams is not secure. We need a world that is real.
She sought to steal away the one she had found, to bring him back to her mother's home. She does not seem to have her earlier confidence that comes from heavenly love. Earlier she was bold in her words and actions. Now she is unsettled, as one awakened in her love for the best of all men, yet with fear. She feels that her hold on him is tenuous. She senses that she has the one she wants but that she will not be able to keep him, and that if he goes, she may lose him forever.
This is the difficulty of love in this world. Even the best love can be lost. How can we ever feel safe without some true security that would guarantee a love and a life that would last beyond our few brief years here below?
But now, we see something new. Is this still a dream? She sees her great king coming up from the wilderness. Like the presence of God in the cloud and the fire, this traveling hero is a Solomon, like the Son of God, the beloved of the Father. He is a glorious man surrounded by his servants. Yes, he is like God in heaven with his angels and his holy people all around him, perfect in strength and frightening in power. He travels in a glorious chariot as the Lord Himself does in the Jerusalem that is above.
Look at its posts of silver and its back of gold. What a great king sits on this lush throne of purple. Every detail has been lovingly attended to by his many admirers. He is surrounded by all that is lofty and majestic. Is he a living God? He has a crown. What would it be like to be the love of his life? Could anyone make such a great man truly happy? What would make his heart glad?
Life here below has a way of waking us up. We rub our eyes, curse the morning, and forget that we were made for glory. If we long for the age to come, for heaven, and for Jesus, we may fear that we are going to be exposed for our foolishness, either now, or at some future time. We are at least as likely to have thoughts that are nightmares as we are to have hopes of glory. We are afraid to dream.
But now in Christ, God has awoken our imagination. We have not seen the coming age, or the new land, but there is no doubt that we have seen the Man. He has the power of heaven in His hands. This is the one who died and rose again. His death was like a nightmare to those who were hoping that He was the King of Israel. His resurrection was a dream come true, the beginning of a new age and a new world.
He is the Man of our dreams. Everything will be all right. This Man from heaven, this Man of the age to come, He is God, and He is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine. Dream on! Your Jesus makes dreams come true, and He truly loves you.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Lord Almighty, we are seeking the One whom our soul loves. Where is Jesus today? If we could find Him, we would hold Him and not let Him go. Now He comes to us in Word and sacrament, for we worship Him in covenant assembly. We bow before Him. Will we one day look upon our glorious Savior, crowned in majesty, and seated at Your right hand?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Song of Solomon 2

What does a woman think about herself when she is in the best of all possible love relationships? Perhaps the answers that come to mind would vary greatly depending on the woman. Another important factor is the imagination of the person answering the question. Can you think of a better world than you have ever known? Allow yourself to be taken up into the best of all possible realms. If a woman in that great place is in the best of all possible romantic relationships then she would know herself to be supremely and delightfully loved. To know love is to be greatly blessed.
The woman in the love poem we call “Song of Solomon” knows that she is loved, and she boldly tells the truth, “I am a rose, a lily.” To be willing to say great and true things about yourself requires a sense of freedom and an environment of safety and affirmation. This is not boasting, it is just the truth, and in this best of all possible kingdoms, the truth is proclaimed without shame or fear of reproach.
The king of this place has established the truth here. He is the one who has added his voice to what everyone knows. Yes, she is a lily, far above any competing object of his affection. He calls her his love. She knows her man, the king, to be like an apple tree in the forest, a most surprising and excellent discovery. Just to be in his shadow and to long for his fruitfulness is a very wholesome delight, and she is not ashamed to speak of this desire. His love for her has created an environment of beauty and protection, a place for a great feast, with a banner over her that is his love.
She is overwhelmed with the glory of this place and this man, and surely she would simply be crushed by the wonder of such a perfect affection if it were not for the food of that land, and for the strong hand of her lover, his left hand supporting her head, and his right hand embracing her body.
Love like this is so powerful that it should not be awakened until the right time. It is such a good gift that it must not be stirred up too much until the perfect moment arrives. Such a love should not be forced upon her. She should desire it greatly herself, and that takes time, so that desire has an opportunity to take root and blossom within her.
Consider the beloved man together with the woman who has become so willing to admire him. Where did he come from? No one can say. We hear of his leaping over mountains like a great gazelle in order to be with her. He calls to her as he looks through her window. His voice speaks, and it is the one voice that her heart longs to hear. He urges her to rise up to meet him. The winter is over, and the flowers are on the new earth. Every breath is full of the life of new creation, and he must enjoy it all with her. Can you smell the freshness of the fruit of the earth? Do you want to walk in that land with him?
It is not enough for this king to see his new world. He must see her face as they explore it together. He wants to hear her voice, because it is sweet to his ear, and her face is very lovely to look at. Is there some troubling enemy that would destroy the vineyard in that place? Don't be afraid of such things. Such little foxes will be caught. No one will destroy this moment that these lovers have together.
Her man is a forever lover, and she is his forever love. That's why she can say, “My beloved is mine, and I am his.” They started off together with the freshness of morning. They were with each other all day and night. Now he is off to the place where he goes. He does not run away in secret. She blesses him with her words, as if her wish were required to show the perfection of the journey ahead of him. She says, “Turn, my beloved, be like a gazelle or a young stag on cleft mountains.”
There is something planted by God within a woman, and even within a man, that wants to be loved this well and this much. It is fitting that we who are created in the image of God would desire a world that is worthy of His perfection. That world was costly to win, but our Lover is very worthy, and He has paid the price that was necessary that we might be able to enjoy life with Him forever.
He came from heaven, and when He had completed His costly work on earth, He returned to heaven. His intention is not only our rescue, but also the renewal of all things. His banner over us is love. His love is in us even now, as we walk in the light of that new land. He is there before us, we are in Him, and by His Spirit He is in us. His left hand is holding up your head, and His right hand embraces you.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Father God, You have a wonderful plan for Your Son and His bride. There is a great celebration coming soon. There are moments of intimacy in the days ahead. Our Husband comes bounding across the mountains for us. Is there a Lover who truly loves us with such wonderful holiness and with perfect power? Are we truly the beautiful one of Your Son? Is it His voice that we hear in Your Word calling to us? Suddenly a new and glorious world has been born in us and all around us, and there is hope. We belong to Your Son, O God. We are His and He is ours.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Song of Solomon 1

There is something so basic and right about one man and one woman enjoying love together. This Song of Songs, which is Solomon's, is about that love. It does not explore the many problems that we experience in relationships under the sun. Though there are occasional notes of danger and trouble, this is a love poem that seems to come to us from another world, where a perfectly admirable husband seeks the pleasure of his gloriously beautiful bride.
She begins her part of the song with a bold statement of her willingness to give her love to this great man: “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!” No polite little customary cheek on cheek accompanied by a kissing sound... She wants to put her lips on his. Wine is a great gift of God, but his love is better than wine. His body sends out oil that is delightfully fragrant, yes, his very name is oil poured out, like the Holy Spirit coming forth from heaven. She knows that the young maidens love him, but she need not share him with anyone. She wants him to call her to himself alone, so that they could run off together to his wonderful chambers. He is her king, but he is also her lover.
This love between them is publicly known and celebrated. Others are able to see the greatness of the man that she loves and to agree with her that his love is to be highly valued. Everyone is very right to love him as she does. Who can deny what is so obvious? Her boldness in singing about her love for him is very appropriate in this perfect setting. Everyone agrees with this love.
The lovely woman of this poem is dark from the sun. She has been caring for others and has had little opportunity to concern herself with her own beauty. In her labors she has found a way to keep her eye on the one man that is far above his companions. She does not want to be the woman of any other shepherd. She insists that he is her only desire.
Now he speaks, this glorious shepherd-king, calling her the most beautiful among women, inviting her to follow in the tracks of the flock that follows him. He does not reject her. With him she will find a place to live, a place for her and for her young goats. This shepherdess is valued by him and by all the others in his world of love. In an earlier time and place she may have been mistreated and unloved, but now she will wear ornaments of beauty and honor. Everyone around her will rejoice in her love, and will have their part to play in making this once humble servant to be the most beautiful bride.
Even now, she knows that her lover, her king, is a sensuous and delightful man. He should be as close to her as possible. Everything about him captivates her. He speaks to her with words that would heal old wounds. “You are beautiful, my love.” She responds in kind. Everything is boldness and truth. His love for her is not only beautiful. It is young and strong, an eternal love that will never fade.
The green meadow is their couch. The cedars above are their vaulted ceiling. They are forever vibrant, and the world they inhabit is alive with beauty, goodness, and delight.
This is a poem that we enter into. We find a place in this new world. The shepherd-king calls to us, admiring our beauty. We must not try to see this world of love as if we were outside analysts. We need to enter through the gates of this good place. We need to feel the joy of this lovely woman as she speaks about her amazing man. We want to sing with those who agree with her and who would be happy just to be able to make the jewelry that she will wear for him on their special day.
Cast your worries far behind you. You may have placed your head upon your pillow last night with the tears of a different world. But now your chamber is suddenly filled with light. A door to another world has opened. This world is not imaginary. It is more real than the tears that are quickly being dried from your eyes.
Here is joy and life in the beloved King, the Husband, the Lover and Friend of the church. The cross is over, for Him and for you. If wounds remain, they are not for sorrow. They are only badges of glory. The battle is won. You are safe in Jesus. If you are ever able, even for a brief moment, to live out the truth of that more solid world in the midst of this vanishing veil of tears, seize the opportunity and enjoy it fully. Do not let it pass you by. Love your wife. Give yourself to your husband. Walk in the beauty of heaven. Rejoice in the Lord!

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Glorious Lord, You love us. Grant to us a glimpse of the passion of Your love day by day. Our souls love You as well. Show us how to follow You as those who know that there is One worth staying very close to. Come near to us even now, O God. Are we beautiful to You? Surely Your Son is beautiful to us.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Ecclesiastes 12

My parents tried to talk to my wife and me about saving for the future when we were in our twenties. We decided that we did not have any money to put away at that time. Our second child had just been born, and the idea of a pension was not of even remote interest to us. To be young! To think that death is so far away! The wise young man or woman will give some serious consideration to the future. No matter how old you are, take a look around you and embrace the truth that death can come in a moment, and that if you live long enough to experience growing old, you will face significant changes that you would be very wise to plan for when you are young.
The Preacher offers these important words in this final chapter of Ecclesiastes: “Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth.” Long life is a blessing, but it does have challenges. Decades pass by more quickly than expected, though individual days may seem to last too long. The burden of a long life upon your body and your mind may cause you to decide that there is little left for you when you reach old age. Even so, you still may not be ready to finish your life and to go to be with the Lord.
Many generalizations that could be offered about the aging process would be difficult to prove, but some things can be said with confidence. Your present body is mortal and you will begin to feel that mortality as you age. While some of the details may vary, here is what you can expect. Your eyes will not work as well as they once did, your hands will not be as steady, and even your mind may show signs of age that will not be entirely positive. You will probably lose some teeth, you will have problems with your hearing, you won't stand up straight, and more than all of that, you may be strangely impatient and even more intolerant than you were as a young man, since disappointments and anxieties will take their awful toll.
Therefore, use your youth well. Your body generally has its highest capacities when you are in your late teens, twenties, and early thirties. The challenge of those important years of vitality may be that the very sufferings that can leave the plaque of regret on the heart of an old man are useful in building the character of a young man. By the time that you have had the foolishness of youth beaten out of you, you are starting to move past your prime. Blessed is the man who, through suffering and a consideration of God and the world in his years of young adulthood, is able to gain some wisdom while he still enjoys a good measure of bodily health.
Remember your Creator in your youth! Develop the habit of humility as a young man. Bow before God and it will serve you well throughout your life. Live wisely in your most productive years and then finish well in your declining years. One day, you don't know when, maybe before your hair has a chance to turn white, you will go to your eternal home. Your silver cord will snap, your golden bowl will break, your pitcher will shatter, releasing its precious contents. The wheel of your life will no longer turn, broken beyond repair, your body will be buried in the ground, returning to dust, and your spirit will go to be with God who gave you life.
The Preacher knows what he is talking about. He had wisdom in his day. Now he is with God. He wrote wonderful proverbs and arranged them with great care. He composed words of delight into a love poem, and he authored this important book of obvious and challenging truth. He accomplished amazing things and he surely made many mistakes. If he was willing to take his own advice, he remembered his Creator, the one Shepherd of our souls, who can lead us in the way of the wisdom that comes from heaven.
There are many words in this fleeting world, but not all of them are equally beneficial. Hear the conclusion of this consideration of life under the sun. Do you want to live wisely? Then fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Why? Because God will bring every deed into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.
Do you have a life that is so pure that the Lord could examine your every hidden thought, word, and action, and conclude that you live with perfect wisdom? No? That is why the Wisdom of God came from heaven. Jesus did this for you, accomplishing His greatest work through His death for your sins. His resurrection is your assurance that His death was successful. When you remember your Creator in your youth or even on the day of your own death, don't forget that your Creator became your Redeemer. You will go to be with Him when He calls you to Himself. Do not throw your life away. Live it wisely despite your weakness. God is in charge. The work of Christ is perfect, and it will last forever. Enjoy the gifts that are your portion even today, and remember that your Redeemer lives beyond the sun in a world that is without futility and foolishness.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Sovereign Lord, if only we could convince young men and women to be wise! There is a process or an event coming to all men of trouble and decay until the day that Your Son returns. The body is proceeding to the grave. There comes an injury that finally breaks the link between the body and the soul. Yet from generation to generation Your Word lives on. There is One Shepherd. He speaks. We hear You, O God. We fear You, O Lord. You are different from us. You are the Judge, and You are the Answer. It is profound wisdom to remember You and to live for You. Grant us that wisdom now and forever.

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Ecclesiastes 11

Demanding that this life be heaven on earth will not make it so. That will only lead to disappointment, frustration, and more trouble. But there is more to the good life than this awareness. Living well in a world under the Lord's sentence of futility is not just a matter of recognizing the facts of decay and death. The Preacher has already told us that the simple enjoyments of the ordinary gifts of God in our own homes is a very important part of having peace and happiness as we live under the sun. Yet there is one more very important lesson for living that comes to us from this great book of wisdom. The Preacher says, “Cast your bread upon the waters.”
This beautiful image goes beyond your own household. We stand at the water's edge, and we give away a portion of God's good gifts that we have received from His hands. We cast them upon the waters, willingly giving a portion to seven, or even to eight, perhaps having no idea of how our little bit of help will be of any lasting benefit to anyone. We could easily convince ourselves that generous living makes no sense. With all the problems of this world, and with our own meager supply of wealth, looking for new opportunities to help others is really like casting your bread upon the waters. What will be the good of it? Yet the Preacher says that we should do it, and that we will find that it will return to us sometime, perhaps after many days have passed.
How can we know that we will be repaid when we are generous to others? This reminds us of another one of the Preacher's favorite messages. God is sovereign. He sees and He knows. His work will stand forever. Generous living with an awareness of the reign of God over all things is wisdom, though it seems as foolish as casting your bread upon the waters. You will find that bread again, perhaps when you need it the most, perhaps from the hand of someone who once turned to you for help.
This generosity of heart makes a wonderful partner to diligent labor. Those who are up and about the task that God has for them every day may find in their work not only a provision for their own daily bread, but also several portions for others who are in need. Do not worry too much about whether someone deserves your assistance. Yes, you do not want to unwittingly encourage laziness or evil in others, but do not allow your own continual excuses to persuade you that a practical deed of love is a bad idea. Work hard, and then cast your bread upon the waters.
Because God is in charge, and since He knows so much that is hidden from you, your giving need not be a calculated decision of how everything will eventually work out in your own favor. You don't know the work of God who makes everything. You may find that more prosperity comes to you as a result of your giving than from the profits of your business, or you may find that both your business and your mercy are blessed by God. Cultivate a life-long habit of love, and the tree of your life will one day fall in a place where generous hearts rest after their days of toil under the sun are completed.
Now we work, we receive, and we give; and all of it can be enjoyed. This is the life of light that God has for His beloved children in a world of darkness. If even this world has such sweetness and beauty though it is under a sentence of death, how much more wonderful must heaven be! Gain a glimpse of the life to come as you labor and as you give away the fruits of your work. One day others who were crying out to the Lord for help may be greeting you when you arrive in the most pleasant world of light.
To live the good life, this is wisdom. Jesus of Nazareth lived the ultimate life. He lived with a full awareness that death and destruction were all around him. He worked hard, but He also enjoyed the simple pleasures. In fact some of the Pharisees thought that He and His disciples enjoyed life a little too much, and they were not sure that their celebrations were very spiritual. Most of all, He gave everything away, so that when He was finished with His work on earth, there was nothing left to give. His generosity was not wasted. It was powerful for the saving of lives, and now we worship the One who loved us so well. He lives forever in the most exalted place of divine power. One day we will gaze much more fully upon the wisdom of His life.
His time on earth was not particularly long, but it was a life lived with the fullest awareness of God and man. When all His works were judged, the verdict of His Father was “not guilty,” and “righteous.” The blessing bestowed upon Him was fullness of glory in heavenly realms. He has taken this fruit of His perfect labor and shared it with you. Because of the certainty of His resurrection gift, the futility of death shall one day be far removed from both your body and your soul forever.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Almighty God, we see the wisdom of generosity. You will help us in our day of need. Keep us working and thinking, but help us especially to trust You and to be kind. Thank You for the light that You give us day by day, for a time of darkness or confusion may be coming. Father, if we explored wisdom here for millennia we would not find the way to fix our own problems of evil and the curse that has come upon this world through sin. Will we solve the decay that we see all around us? We will not live forever through the most brilliant medicine. We will not create heaven on earth through the most enlightened politics or philosophy. The more we study and consider, the more we see our own ignorance, folly, and wickedness. There has to be an end to our days here. There has to come some silence for our over-exercised tongues. We long for You, and we wait for Your deliverance.

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Ecclesiastes 10

After several chapters of the Preacher's words, are you beginning to suspect that he is just a pessimist? Is he missing the happier parts of truth? Don't be too critical of him. We have already heard his advice that there are many things in life that can and should be joyfully received. The problem is that with everything that we experience in this life where we could say, “That is genuinely beautiful,” we soon discover that even a little dead fly's worth of folly can easily create a nasty stench in what should have been a sweet-smelling ointment of wisdom perfume.
Every day there is so much good to be experienced, yet we know that misery and death are all over the earth. No one can escape the effects of the Fall. Even the wise man has this problem within himself, but if we supposed for a moment that we could almost entirely (say 99%) surround ourselves with people that are almost entirely wise (use 99% again just for fun), not only would we have to deal with the 1% folly in the wisest people, we would also be irked by the presence of the 1% of the population that is actually pursuing a course of foolishness. Our percentages are certainly very optimistic, but even if they were correct, that 1% of mess would make all the difference. Fools will be noticed. And occasionally, the owner's only child will be a fool, and guess who inherits the business?
How do you live in a world where you may work for a fool? If you can find a job where you can serve God better and enjoy life more, gain your freedom as soon as you can. But there are times when you will not be able to do that, and there are other times when your old job only looked horrible until you spent a few weeks at your new job which you thought would be so much better. (I wonder if they are still hiring at the old place?)
There is wisdom in recognizing that the various authorities that you live with in your life are infected with folly, just as we all are. We need to be able to live in the real world, knowing that this is not heaven yet. Stay calm, give a troubling situation some time if at all possible, and do not presume that you have the answer to every blemish that you encounter on the planet.
Sometimes our insistence that we can fix everything only causes more damage. By the time we are finished there are three or four smelly flies in the ointment instead of just one. You sweat to dig a pit to hide some eyesore, and then you fall into the sludge yourself. You break down a wall that you thought would improve the view, and there is a snake lurking behind it, ready to bite. You are digging away at a rock to get at what looks like precious gems, and some boulder higher up on the mountainside comes rolling towards you. You save some money by cutting your own wood, and you end up getting a splinter that leads to a nasty infection. With so many of your great plans ending up yielding more misery, you are not sure whether to laugh or to cry. The Preacher's advice: Take a moment to think. Use wisdom at least as much as you use blood, sweat, and tears.
One other hint for getting by in a world of futility and danger: Choose your words carefully and don't talk so much about things that you only pretend to understand. Do you really know what the future will be like under the sun? What is the point of pretending that you know what God has chosen to conceal? Focus on what you can and should know. For instance, find out the way to your destination before you spend all your effort walking in the wrong direction. That's something you can know. “The toil of a fool wearies him, for he does not know the way to the city.”
As you walk through this world to the best destination, remember that you live in a place with real danger, where incompetent, lazy leaders may ruin life for those who have no other choice but to make the best of a bad situation. Eat well, have a glass of wine, buy something that might make your day more pleasant. But don't wag your tongue all day long against those in charge. A proverbial “little bird” may bring them news of your exaggerated insurrection. If some place here below is your celestial city, you will find that when you get there, there is more than just one fly in the ointment. If the place was perfect before your arrival, it won't be after you get there.
God sent His Son into this world not because it was a great vacation spot. Take an honest look all around you. This is not yet paradise. Jesus came from heaven in order to set you on a journey, and in the process, to restore His creation to what it should be. He was not confused about where He was, or about where He was eventually going. His toil along the journey home to the Father was not wasted. He has become not only our final destination, but also the way that we can get to that celestial city that will one day come down upon this earth at the renewal of all things. Admitting that we are not entirely in heaven now is an important component of true wisdom, and it will help you live in a world that is not yet perfected in holiness.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Father God, our lives here are brief and there is so much to learn. Teach us to be wise. There is much that does not seem to make sense, yet You have a way of working out Your purposes even in this world of confusion. Teach us to hear the Word of true wisdom that You have spoken through Your prophets. There is much trouble in many lands. We have forgotten the appropriate appreciation of those who have been blessed with great gifts. We do not know how to bend the knee in order to show deference. How will we ever worship You? How will we ever move ahead? You are above us. We are below You. If we do not know this most obvious fact, how can we live wisely at all? Teach us the way of wisdom, though we are slow to understand many things. Surely You are God. You know the beginning from the end.

Monday, January 04, 2016

Ecclesiastes 9

The wisdom of God is beyond us, yet there are some great truths that we can understand now. We observe and we consider. We weigh facts that are before us, sometimes seeing them rightly, but too often distorting them to fit our preconceived opinions. We also learn from hearing the voice of God directly. We can misinterpret that too, but the Word itself is a perfect gift to us from heaven's King, presenting many answers that can only be known to us if God chooses to reveal them through speaking to us. So many of the Preacher's observations in the book of Ecclesiastes can come to any wise person who carefully and honestly considers the facts of nature and life. Yet included, as they are, in the inspired Word of God, we receive them now as the Lord's own perfect teaching regarding life in this world.
The Preacher's insights are not mere probabilities. If we read them rightly, we should take them into our hearts as God's certainties. The Preacher is perfectly right when he says that the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Man cannot know perfectly whether his experiences are an expression of the Lord's merciful love or his excellent justice. When a person suffers tragedy, who can know the meaning of that trial? We do know this: Death comes to all people, whether they are good or evil, loved by God or hated by Him. The Lord says in Malachi, “I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have hated.” Yet both the Israelites and the Edomites faced death. Can that be right?
We cannot charge the Lord with any wrongdoing here. All are sons of Adam. All the children of man are full of evil. God warned Adam concerning death. Adam sinned for us, and we have surely sinned for ourselves, so there is nothing out of order in the fact that all go to the place of the dead. But we look for something more than that. There is no hope in death alone. We are not looking for death after death, but life after life. A man may rule like a lion in this life, and his servant may serve him like a dog. But if that servant can find life beyond the grave, and the lion of a man only finds death, then the living dog is far better off than the dead lion. Even now, in terms of life in this world, there is nothing left for the dead, only for the living, so enjoy life while you can. There is no sin in the righteous enjoyment of God's gifts, and there may be sin in missing opportunities to thank God for His daily blessings. The Preacher says, “God has already approved what we do.” We need to resist, then, the idea that we can win His favor by refusing to celebrate His goodness or by turning away from His gracious provision. Do you have food, wine, friends, a spouse, honest labor, a measure of health, and even some knowledge and wisdom? Be thankful and seize this good day, because the hour of your death is swiftly approaching.
This day may be your last on this earth. What is observed as time and chance among men is the appointed decree of God in the heavens. Unexpected things happen to people all the time. When we are caught in death's net, we will not be able to argue our way back to life under the sun. There is no fairness formula that enables us to accurately predict who will prosper and who will die in his prime. A wise young man may deliver a city from an evil oppressor, but he himself may die before the sun sets, and his name will soon be forgotten. This is the way things can happen in life. Why not enjoy the peace of your life right now by living consciously in the moment that you have?
Have you been given wisdom? Enjoy that today, even if no one is looking, and even if there is no crowd to applaud your words and your actions. Though no one may notice, your wise advice is still good. Though others may approve of the shouting of a famous person more that your quiet statement of profound truth, you can still enjoy the blessings of insight and courage. You can know that the Lord loves wisdom and has given you the pleasure of making good use of something that He created, something that is more powerful on this earth than the mightiest weapons that men invent. You can enjoy wisdom, even in a world where one sinner can destroy much good in a moment.
Yes, there are aspects of this life that are very frustrating. We feel the vanity of it all, the fleeting nature of every good thing that we think we have here. There is nothing you can do to reverse the course of time. You do not get the opportunity to script the events of the coming hour. You may make your plans, but it is only God who can ordain your steps.
The God who determined the number of days that you would live before you experienced even one of them knows very well that all people die. He knows and has recorded in His sacred Scriptures that “a living dog is better than a dead lion.” But in the same sacred Scriptures, He has assured us that His visit to this world of futility in the life of His Son Jesus Christ has destroyed the power of death for all who believe. Though we may not understand all of what this means, we know that the One who died for our sins and who rose again from the dead has assured us of a new life that cannot be taken away from us. He said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.” (John 11:25-26)

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Lord God, what can we search out and find through observation and reason? We examine the world that You have created. We consider the ways that You rule over the affairs of all Your creatures. We continually run into the wall of death. What a stubborn fact death is in this age! Yet we will enjoy the life that You have given to us even now. This is our portion today, though our present bodies are mortal. Teach us to love wisdom. There is something beyond the power of a man’s hands and the strength of his voice. There is the heart and the mind. There is the life of the soul. Though our wisdom may be forgotten under the sun, it is a beautiful gift from You to be used for the benefit of a city. Your Son has used His perfect wisdom to secure for us a city beyond this age of death. What a blessing has come to us! What a great God we serve!