
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Prayer based on Acts 12

Lord of Glory, in this age there are many who would lay violent hands upon Your church. We mourn this sin, yet we know that You are working wonderful miracles of grace even through the suffering that we face. We offer up to You earnest prayers for our brothers and sisters in prison. Send Your angels to rescue many who are in great need because of one tribulation or another. Restore all of Your people to the assembly of those who gather in Your presence for worship. Give us a clear and balanced mind so that we can continue to serve You for as many days as You see fit. This age will one day come to an end, and much that is confusing to us today will be brought to light through the radiance of Your Son’s appearing. We long for His return and for the dawning of a very new day in the fullness of Your great glory.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Ezekiel 35

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ezekiel 34

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

one more thought ...

Concerning what appears below on Ezekiel 33:

Suffering is very complicated. It is hard to say any one thing about it, since there is such mystery in the Lord's loving providence. The safest thing for us to do is to let the whole of the Scriptures give us what we need to know passage by passage. The point of Ezekiel 33 is not for us to be able to diagnose the mystery behind someone else's particular suffering, although I suppose that we might be able to help there sometimes. The point is for each of us to hear what God is saying to us as a covenant community, to repent and to live, to remember that God loves us, and that He is involved for our good in our lives, even through horrible suffering. To eliminate the message of Ezekiel 33 from the Bible would be a mistake. It is always right for the church to repent. Cry out to God for your friends who are suffering. It often is a gift from God to suffer, sometimes a very costly gift. It needs to be used well, and it is very hard or impossible to figure it all out in our own lives, let alone in the lives of others.

In Christ's Mercy and Love,

Ezekiel 33

The man who truly speaks for the Lord God has a special responsibility. This point has been made already in this book of prophecy, but now it is reiterated as the prophet begins a new section of the book. The prophet is a watchman. Part of His responsibility is to warn the people concerning the Lord’s judgment. Any watchman should be well situated at a high lookout point at the edge of the city. He lives on the border between the city he protects and the world outside. He cannot wait for dangerous armies to knock at the city gates before he sounds the alarm. He is looking and waiting. He is ready to sound the trumpet when he sees the signs of danger. If he does his job, and the city will not take notice, the watchman has nothing to be ashamed of. Each man should hear the warning, and each man is responsible to take appropriate action.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ezekiel 32

A powerful man’s assessment of himself in the day of his greatest glory may be very different from his evaluation of his life as he lies dying on the field of battle. This is something that all kinds of people face, both great and small, both inside the covenant community of God and outside its bounds. Yet it may be an especially jarring tale among the greatest of men who have not been softened in their pride by the experience of the true worship of a Being greater than themselves.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Prayer based on Acts 8

Sovereign Lord, You have promised that Your truth would not be stopped in Jerusalem, but that it would be heard in all Judea, Samaria, and to the very ends of the earth. As that Word moved forward through Your apostles, many believed even among those who had formally been committed to pagan practices. So many in every age are committed to the worship of money, or think that they can buy the gift of God. You will bring Your Word even to men such as this. You will open the minds of many tribes through Your great power. The faith that comes to one man can eventually touch millions of people once securely bound in the slavery of idolatry. Grant to many people the joy of new life as Your servants are baptized into a community of living hope.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Prayer based on Acts 7

Our Father, grant that we would rightly appreciate the privilege of suffering for the name of Jesus Christ. Without this true assessment of our trials, we will always shrink away from a forthright statement of Your Word in situations of danger. You have sent one Man who would truly keep Your perfect Law. Through His death and resurrection He became the cornerstone of a new spiritual temple, Your church throughout the world. All of the patriarchs and heroes of the faith in earlier days longed for this day of the Messiah. Now the longing of men like Abraham and Moses has actually come. This Jesus did all things well. He has poured out Your Holy Spirit upon Your church. We love Your Law. We rejoice in Your Temple. We long for the fulfillment of Your promise in the age to come, in the land of Resurrection. We love the Word of the Prophets which has now come in person in the great beauty of our Messiah. He is the perfect Son of David, and He has built a new house for His people in His own world-wide body. We will not resist the Holy Spirit. We will love and serve the Righteous One. Teach us the truth about our sin, that we might more fully and earnestly repent of it and be forgiven. Though men might work together to kill us, Your truth can never be stopped. Grant us such a beauty of holiness and love that we would be willing to forgive those who only want to see us dead.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Prayer based on Acts 6

Lord God, thank You for the way that You solve problems with such wisdom and love. Help us to remember that those who have been set apart for the Word should devote themselves to the duties of leading Your church in prayer, teaching, and preaching. These men should not be distracted by other concerns, however important and legitimate. Raise up men that are full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom to lead all of the believers in service, so that issues of justice, mercy, and order are attended to with diligence and holiness. Fill our hearts with wisdom and with Your Spirit. Grant us spiritual composure and Christ-like love for You and for others when people speak lies against us.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ezekiel 31

During the final weeks before the fall of Jerusalem, God spoke through Ezekiel concerning the mighty power of the Egyptian empire. For many generations the Egyptians were the great power to the south and west of Israel. During this time there was normally some other great empire to the north and east. That empire to the east had more of a natural incentive and opportunity to attack and subdue Israel. In Israel’s efforts to protect herself from the eastern adversary, there was a great temptation to turn to Egypt as the answer for their security. God did not like this. He insisted on being the great Father for Israel and Judah. The Egyptians who had enslaved them for over 400 years were not the answer for them. God had once delivered His people out of Egypt through the hand of Moses. Would they now turn away from Him and consider the great Egyptian Empire as a great helper, particularly when their real Father was disciplining them through the powers that He had established to the east?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ezekiel 30

The Lord has spoken to His people through various prophets about something called the “Day of the Lord.” Here He speaks about that coming day with reference to the nation of Egypt. The Day of the Lord in its most ultimate sense is the day of Christ’s return. It will mark the end of the present age and the beginning of the new age of eternal life. When Ezekiel writes this prophetic book, He writes during the prior Old Testament age. With the first coming of the Messiah, and especially with His death, resurrection, and ascension and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, a new age has come. The Old Testament era of the Law is over. The New Testament time of the gospel is here.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ezekiel 29

Immediately following the fall of Jerusalem, the Lord had something for Ezekiel to say against Pharaoh and Egypt. Even though Egypt was a strong regional power in the days of the Old Testament, she had less interest in Israel then the Assyrian and later Babylonian and Persian powers to the east. Egypt already had her own coastland on the Mediterranean. For Syria and the empires to the east, to control Israel on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Seas meant access to the European world. Israel had geographic advantages that enabled her to defend herself against most of her closest neighbors, including Egypt. The best hope for Egypt to control Israel was to keep the Israelites within the border of Pharaoh’s land. Once Israel had escaped out of that nation at the time of the Exodus, the Egyptians would lose most of their desire to control Israel and their ability to rule over God’s people without their consent.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ezekiel 28

At the helm of a proud city that counts itself as “perfect in beauty,” is a proud captain, the King of Tyre. He is a man, but he says, “I am a god.” What is the evidence of his divinity? Marvel at his surroundings and be amazed. He is head of a fascinating and prosperous city state. He sits in the seat of the gods as the head over such a magnificent place. He surely must be a god himself, sitting in the heart of the seas. He reflects on his own wisdom, the commercial success of his people, and all of the wonderful things around him, and he forgets that he is just a man. He will soon learn that there are kings with even more pride than him, and God will use them against Tyre. The Lord will bring the most ruthless of nations as his enemies, and Tyre will be dragged down from her mountain of pride and cast into the pit of the Lord’s judgment in the midst of the seas.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Ezekiel 27

Tyre was a very special ancient city of the Phoenicians. An island fortress, it was a major participant in trade with many other nations. Many cities and nations are filled with civic or tribal pride. Tyre was no exception. She was proud of the way she had adorned herself with all of the goods of the world around her. She said of herself, “I am perfect in beauty.” These are not the words of someone who knows the One who is the Source of every blessing. These are the words of a nation who believes that she is herself like a god.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Prayers based on Judges 6-7

Judges 6

Sovereign Lord, what will You do when we pursue evil ways in Your sight? Surely You love us enough to challenge us in our errors. You may even send an enemy against us to teach us lessons that cannot be learned in times of peace and prosperity. Teach us to call out to You for a Savior. We are too fearful of men in times of difficulty. Make Your church a mighty congregation of valor. Grant us eyes to see the signs of Your presence all around us. Help us see the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus Christ with new eyes day by day. You are with us. Your Son is still alive. Grant us a new awareness of the peace that He has won for us. We have peace with You, and peace with our brothers and sisters in Christ, but we do not have peace with idolatry. Make us strong for the tearing down of idolatrous altars within our hearts and lives. Clothe us with Your Spirit that we might find new courage that can only come from You. Purify our consciences from past sin, and grant us daily repentance and faith as a sign of Your abiding love.

Judges 7

Lord God Almighty, You are very capable of helping us through every challenge. You can win a great victory with even fewer men than Gideon’s small army of 300. Have You not won the greatest battle through the weakness of One Man? Did not the Son of David slay a legion of Goliaths through His death on the cross? You are the one who grants true spiritual courage to Your church. You have shown many things to us of Your greatness and faithfulness. Open our eyes and ears to the fact of Your greatness and love. We worship You with confidence in Your promises. Come quickly great Lord of Hosts. Win the battle against fear and disappointment that rages within our souls. If we will resist the devil, He will flee from us. Why are we slow to do this? Build up Your church even in our day. Help us to be faithful to Your call in every situation of trouble that we face. You are surely with us.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Prayers based on Judges 4-5

Judges 4

O God, our base impulses would destroy us. Sometimes the deadly yield of lust comes almost immediately. On other occasions the disease lurks deep in our flesh and destroys us many years later. Either way, our sin is so dangerous to our spiritual and physical health. Teach us how to have a proper enjoyment of the good gifts that You have granted to us. Show us the way of love and submission between godly men and women. We see the pattern among the men of this world. They would abuse women and treat them as objects and not companions. They do not understand that their ways lead only to death. They are so easily fooled. They leave the path of safety and are soon captured by someone who comes softly to them. They lie down in their weakness and are overcome by the hand of death. Thank you for courageous women that You have granted to Your church, and teach the men of the church to lead in righteous ways, forsaking all evil and laziness.

Judges 5

Father God, may godly men be willing to take the lead within Your church for the glory of Your Name. We thank You for our one great leader, the Lord Jesus Christ. Our confidence is in Him. We are in the midst of a great spiritual battle. We need Your help. May we not be those who sit out the fight, or hide in a place that seems peaceful. You have granted to us Your Word, sacraments, and prayer as good weapons in this struggle. Gather us together in the use of these good gifts. Thank You for strong and courageous women who are willing to work with us in Your congregations. We do not struggle against flesh and blood. We pray for those who are being deceived by the Evil One, that many will be rescued from the One who comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. May Satan and His demonic host perish at just the right time, O Lord. May Your friends be like the sun that rises in its might. Bring forward the great day of resurrection life for Your church. Grant that Your Son will reign as King over His church forever and ever.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Ezekiel 26

It may be a good general principle in this age of trouble that we should never rejoice over the misfortune of some group of people, no matter how beneficial or satisfying their demise might seem to our own interests. God is the God of blessings and of trouble. For us to pile on top of an enemy when he is already down is uncharitable. We should recognize instead that we certainly deserve the treatment that the other nation received. In fact, we deserve something much worse than they have received. We know that all of us deserve both death and hell. We should also remember that we all appreciate a friend when we have brought low, and we do not know how we ourselves will fare in the future. It is possible that we may face a similar day of difficulty. In any case, the trouble of one nation, is not a signal for other nations to act as vultures who will now feed off of the misfortunes of a defeated people.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ezekiel 25

How is it that the God of one nation ever had anything to say against any other nation? Nations that were on the rise might assert that their gods were more powerful than the gods of other lands, and that this gave them a military advantage over their enemies. Sometimes the human rulers of powerful empires took titles of divinity upon themselves and then asserted their authority over the gods of those lands that they would conquer. All of this proud behavior requires that a nation be on the rise. During the time of Ezekiel the northern tribes of Israel had already been decimated. The southern kingdom of Judah was certainly far from her glory days. How then did the God of Israel have something to say to the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Edomites, the Philistines, and any other neighboring nations?