Hosea 4
The Lord has something to say to His people
This devastating spiritual ignorance is presented as the fault not only of the people at large, but especially of the priests that have a responsibility to teach the Law of God and the prophets that should be bringing the Word of the Lord to
In this case the priests seem to have the same problem as the people. They have rejected a true knowledge of the Lord. Therefore the people are destroyed in their ignorance of the covenant and of the Lord of the covenant. Those who forget God’s Law may find that God will forget them. Could it be that the priestly class rejoiced in sin? They seemed to have led the people in unfaithfulness. Their rejection of God and their own immorality and idolatry would be their downfall.
It is not that the religious leaders and the people of
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What will become of them? A wind or spirit of evil has overtaken them, but a wind of judgment from the Almighty will sweep them away in their shame. Their sacrifices to false gods will not mean any relief for them. Such abominations are the very cause of their troubles.
The shameful sacrifices of the Lord’s people were not in accord with the wonderful provisions of His Law. God did not call His people to create new gods or to define new ways of sinning in their efforts to win favor from false deities. There is a system of sacrifice that He did appoint. In full accord with God’s Law, Christ became the perfect Sin Offering for us.
He could not do this by ignoring the other provisions of the Law. If He was to become a sacrifice that could work true blessing for the wayward, it would have to be through the pathway of complete obedience to God’s wonderful commandments. This He did for us, and then He displayed the Lord’s covenant faithfulness to His true
Now when we hear the warnings of the prophets concerning our unfaithfulness, by the power of a new wind of the spirit of God, we can be cut to the heart, and repent. Every unfaithfulness and weakness that we have in this life will not magically be removed. Sanctification is a tough battle and our victory now is partial at best. Yet the perfection of the Lord’s atonement requires that the perfect day will in fact come. This is our hope. It is far better than any nation that the world could offer us in the present age of disappointment.
posted by Pastor Magee @ 6:00 AM